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Carers Week Special

7 days until Monday 10th June and we are "Putting Carers on the Map" !!!

Carers are not recognised as they should be, and we aim to broadcast loudly this week that carers are the local heroes we all need to thank.

Choose your activities for Carers Week!

A trip to St Mary's Lighthouse

Creative Rock Painting

Live Music Night

Free Happiness Company Online Activities

Carers Rights Session

Carers Finances and Discounts Session

Dementia Carers Wellbeing and Pamper Session

Beachcombing Walk and Talk

Ring 0191 2496480 or and book your free place.

Rock Painting Crafts

Take time out to have fun with this relaxing creative activity.  Nature and art in your hands. All materials and guidance provided.

Monday 10th June:

10 am North Shields Library 10 am Wallsend Library 11 am Oxford Centre, West Farm Avenue, Longbenton.


01912496480 to book or email.

Live Music Night

Enjoy the free Live Music Night at the Fishnet Tavern,

North Shields. 

There will be live music with 2 artists,a fun, local history quiz and a free raffle with some great prizes. The pub will be closed to the public and just for us!

Thursday 13th June:

6.00 pm to 8.30 pm Fishnet Tavern,

North Shields Fish Quay, NE30 1LL


01912496480 to book or email.

St Mary's


Join us for a guided walk in and around one of the North East’s greatest landmarks.

We explore the rock pools, wildlife, fossils and history of the island, including a visit to the top of the lighthouse. 

For carers only.

Thursday 13th June:

Meet 11 am Outside the Delaval Arms,

Seaton Sluice

Ring 01912496480 to book or email.

Wellbeing Session for Dementia Carers

Take some time for yourself and enjoy a shoulder massage,

hand massage or get creative and

paint a pot to take home with you.

Get in touch and share which of the activities you would like to enjoy.

These activities are for carers only.

Friday 14th June:

11.00 am to 2.00 pm

North Shields Scouts, 31-35

Norfolk Street, North Shields,

NE30 1QU


01912496480 to book or email 


Carers' Rights in less than Two Hours!

This Carers Week you have two opportunities to discover the rights and support available to you as a carer. 

In 2 hours you could find out something that makes a big difference in your life. 

Tuesday 11th June across two venues: 

10.00am - 12.00pm: Whitley Bay Big Local, 158 Whitley Road, NE26 2LY 

1.30pm - 3.30pm: Wallsend Library, 1st Floor, Wallsend Customer First Centre, 16 The Forum, NE28 8JR

To book your free place ring 01912496480 or email 


Change your Finances Forever in Carers Week

Join the online masterclass on improving your finances as a carer.  Discover some brilliant ideas to bring in more money and open new doors to activities and opportunities. And you don't even have to leave the house!

Wednesday 12th June

6.00 pm to 8.00 pm

Ring 0191 2496480 or email

and get the easy to use link to join.

Happiness Company Free Online Sessions

From Monday 3rd June you can receive free access to the Happiness Company's relaxation and inspiration resources. The Happiness Company has being a big hit with carers since we went along to their Happiness Workshop.

Email us at or ring 01912496480 and we will give you the code to unlock the digital door to some fab activites. 


Beach Combing and Sea Glass Walk and Talk

Discover the hidden treasures that wash up on our shores.

Learn the art of beach-combing and sea-glass hunting along with other family and friend carers.

Dress appropriately and bring snacks and water.

This activity is only for carers.

Friday 14th June:

1 pm Starts outside Rendezvous Cafe, Northern Promenade, Whitley Bay, NE26 1TP

Email us at or ring 

01912496480  to book your place. 

Groups in June

Here are some local groups where you can meet people facing similar caring situations as yourself, learn new information, and have a little bit of time away from caring. If it is your first time attending a group ring: 0191 2496480 for more details. 

All Carers Peer Support Group

2:30 pm to 4:00 pm. Tuesday 11th June

Illustrious Room (1st floor, at the back of the main library room), Wallsend Customer First Centre, The Forum, NE28 8JR

Mental Health Carers Peer Support Group

2:00 pm to 4:00 pm, Thursday 27th June

Outside the Gibraltar Rock, 2 East St, Tynemouth, North Shields NE30 4EB


Information Sessions in June

To book a free place please email or ring 0191 249 6480

Dementia Awareness

Tuesday 4th June 10.30 pm - 12.30 pm Tuesday 4th June 

Oxford Centre, West Farm Avenue, Longbenton, NE12 8LT

This session will explore different types of dementia and what happens following diagnosis. With focus on the support available for dementia carers and the person you care for in North Tyneside.

Carers Rights (Knowing Your Rights)

Tuesday 11th June across two venues:

10.00 am to 12.00 pm: Whitley Bay Big Local, 158 Whitley Road, NE26 2LY

1.30 pm - 3.30 pm: Wallsend Library, 1st Floor, Wallsend Customer First Centre, 16 The Forum, NE28 8JR

This Carers Week we will focus on your legal rights as a carer and the support available to you in health, social care and employment.

Grants, Discounts & Entitlements

6.00 pm to 8.00 pm Wednesday 12th June

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

Caring can come at great cost to carers. For many families, disability and caring has a major financial impact. This session will look at the key grants, discounts and entitlements available to carers and how to apply for them.

Dealing With Guilt and Negative Emotions for Mental Health Carers

1.00 pm to 3.00 pm Thursday 27th June

Meadow Well Connected, Waterville Road, North Shields, NE29 6BA

This session is for carers who are supporting someone who has a mental health condition. You will learn how to support behaviour change and have an opportunity to meet and share experiences with other carers who understand.

Carers and Employment

10.30 am to 12.30 pm Saturday 29th June

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

Juggling caring and employment can be really challenging. Join us to learn more about your employment rights as a carer, including the new Carers Leave Bill and making Flexible Working Requests, as well as the support available to you when you need it. ​

Telephone: 0191 2496480


Our mailing address is:

North Tyneside Carers' Centre,

Floor 2, Wallsend Customer First centre,

16 The Forum, Wallsend, NE28 8JR.

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North Tyneside Carers' Centre | Floor 2, Wallsend Customer First Centre, 16 The Forum, Wallsend, NE28 8JR