Making Christmas Better Welcome to the last newsletter of the year. We hope you experience the good bits of Christmas and not just the infuriating challenges. As Christmas approaches, we want you to be prepared with our Christmas Support Guide. While many services take a break over the holidays, the responsibilities of a carer continue.
The guide is still being compiled as wait for services to arrange their Christmas plans. We aim to have the holiday opening times of local services you rely on, as well as alternative arrangements. For example, Foodbanks often provide extra groceries in advance to cover the week they are closed, so planning ahead can make all the difference.
Centre News The North Tyneside Carers’ Centre office closes 4:00 pm on Monday, December 23rd, and reopens at 10:00 am on Thursday, January 2nd. If you need urgent support over the Christmas period, please remember you can contact North Tyneside Council’s Out of Hours service on 0330 333 7475.
Look out for an interesting update on the 2025 Information Sessions in 2 weeks time and make use of that empty, new diary. We have a new group called Think About It for Dementia Carers, starting January | |
Upcoming Information Events Look out for our next email with news on the upcoming season of Information sessions and workshops starting January. Confused, frustrated or just want to ask a human being a question? There will be opprtunities to meet local experts, learn new skills and ask the questions you want answering. All sessions and events are free of charge. | |
Do you support someone who has Dementia?
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We are hosting a new group called Think about it to support people caring for someone with Dementia. This condition brings unique challenges and the monthly meetings are going to bring carers together, learn new things to help them in their caring role and have fun. The first meeting in January has guest speaker, the brilliant Bernadette Noone, who will share some money and energy saving tips before other activities. Call 0191 249 6480 or click here to confirm your place.
10.00 am to 12.00 pm, Friday 10 January The White Swan Centre, Killingworth, NE12 6SS (Lots of parking available. The 63, 342 and 352 buses stop outside.) | |
Mental Health Carers Walk and Talk Group
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The group takes a break in December and next meets in January at the Whitley Bay Big Local building. They are wisely meeting indoors until Spring when Walk and Talk will resume. This supportive group is for carers registered with the Centre who care for someone with a serious mental health condition. If you would like to attend please contact enquiries@ntcarers.co.uk or call 01912496480
Time: 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm Date: Thursday 23 January Location: Whitley Bay Big Local, 158 Whitley Rd, NE26 2LY (The number 1 bus stopds outside and Whitley Bay Metro is 4 minutes walk. Parking available.) | |
Sadly there is not an All Carers group in December but it will return in January to blow out the winter cobwebs. The group is for every kind of informal carer and meets to keep up to date, connect with other carers and take a small break from caring.
Time: 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm Date: Tuesday 14 January Location: The Illustrious room on the 1st floor of Wallsend Library (next to the cafe) (Lots of buses stop on nearby Wallsend High Street, Metro 3 minutes walk and parking available at the Forum Car Park) | |
New Respite Accomodation gives carers a break | |
A new respite flat in Wallsend, offers carers planned breaks by providing a dedicated apartment for the person they care for with staff on hand to support them. At the moment the project supports people over 55 who need care while their carer takes a break.
Located within the Crossgates Extra Care scheme, the flat is equipped for sensory and mobility needs and is available for those who need support but want to maintain their privacy. The service is available to people who use Adult Social Care services and self-funders too. Visit the My Care North Tyneside website for more information. | |
Cut Travel Costs with the Companion Card | |
Many people are worried about the cost of the £2 bus ticket going up to £3. An attractive option for unpaid carers and the person they care for, is to get the free Companion Card.
It allows carers to travel for free in Tyne and Wear while accompanying the person they care for on buses and the metro too. The card belongs to the person who has a disability but benefits the carer too.
How to Apply: If the person you care for receives certain qualifying benefits like the mobility element of PIP, they can apply for a Companion Card through Nexus. For more information head to the Nexus website or call them on 0191 20 20 747. | | | |
North Tyneside Council wants your views on their proposed budget | |
Every year the Council spend their funding on hundreds of different services for our residents. They spend most of our money on social care, but it also goes towards waste collections, recycling, highway maintenance, leisure, libraries and many more services that you or your family or friends might use every day. Each November they propose a balanced financial budget for the following year, and they'd like your views. It doesn't take long to have your say, and every comment will be read and considered Click here to have your say. | | | |
Shopping is cheaper at local Social Supermarkets | |
With many carers and their families struggling, the value of local "Social Supermarkets" is going up.
They are shops connected to commmunity organisations that sell food and other essential items at a reduced price. Typically they sell £30 of shopping for a third of the price or even cheaper.
There are quite a few social supermarkets in North Tyneside, from Wallsend to Whitley Bay and they are quick and easy to join. See the full list here. | | | |
£6400 a year lost in wages New research from the retirement company Just Group claims nearly a third of carers aged 45-75 have reduced work hours or quit their jobs entirely, resulting in an average annual income loss of £6,400. This group of carers mainly supported older relatives.
Fortunately, some positive changes are on the horizon. From April 2025, people who receive Carer's Allowance will be be able to earn £196 a week and keep the Carers Allowance of £83.30. | |